Master 1st Grade Math with this COMPLETE CURRICULUM GROWING BUNDLE. This NO-PREP, digital 1st Grade Math Bundle is in Google Slides format. In addition, it includes EVERYTHING you need to teach ALL Common Core 1st Grade Math Standards.
Each resource in this Bundle is FUN, ENGAGING, and INTERACTIVE (i.e. movable pieces and textboxes). Most importantly, it comes with Common Core-aligned learning goal pages, tons of student practice pages, and several example pages/mini-lessons to build understanding.
These 1st Grade Math activities can be easily assigned in your Google Classroom, making them awesome for distance learning! They also work wonderfully for homeschooling, in-class instruction, math centers, individual practice, early finisher work, extension activities, and the list goes on!
The huge variety in content makes this Complete Curriculum Growing Bundle ideal for covering all Common Core 1st Grade Math Standards, making your teaching life so much easier! Plus, your kids will be fully engaged as they work through the range of fun, vibrant, interactive task cards.
❤ **To help families and schools out as we adapt to distance learning, this resource can be shared with your household, your class/main group of students, as well as their families. ✉ SCHOOL LICENSES are also available! Please email me (Jess) at to inquire!
Which products are included in this Bundle?
Activities covering ALL Common Core Curriculum points for 1st Grade math are included in this Bundle, along with EPIC BONUSES!
► Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Bundle (Already added!)
⇒⇒ Understanding Values (Tens and Ones) (1.NBT.B.2)
Counting Numbers to 120 (1.NBT.A.1)
Composing 2-Digit Numbers (1.NBT.B.2)
Comparing 2-Digit Numbers (1.NBT.B.3)
Addition Within 100 (2-Digit + 1-Digit) (1.NBT.C.4)
Addition Within 100 (2-Digit + Multiples of 10) (1.NBT.C.4)
10 More or Less than a 2-Digit Number (1.NBT.C.5)
Subtracting Multiples of 10 (1.NBT.C.6)
► Operations and Algebraic Thinking Bundle (Already Added!)
⇒⇒ Properties of Operations (1.OA.B.3)
Subtraction as an Unknown-Addend Problem (1.OA.B.4)
Relate Counting to Addition (1.OA.C.5)
Add & Subtract Within 20 (1.OA.C.6)
Meaning of the Equal Sign: True/False? (1.OA.D.7)
Unknown Number in Addition & Subtraction (1.OA.D.8)
Addition & Subtraction Word Problems (1.OA.A.1)
Addition Word Problems: 3 Whole Numbers (1.OA.A.2)
► Measurement and Data Bundle (Already added!)
⇒⇒ Order and Compare Lengths (1.MD.A.1)
Measure Length with Objects (1.MD.A.2)
Tell Time in Hours and Half Hours (1.MD.B.3)
Organize, Represent, and Interpret Data (1.MD.C.4)
► Geometry Bundle (Already added!)
⇒⇒ 2D & 3D Shapes and Attributes (1.G.A.1)
Compose 2D & 3D Shapes (1.G.A.2)
Partition Circles & Rectangles (Intro to Fractions) (1.G.A.3)
⭐️ NEW: 2-Digit Addition and Subtraction – Deep Dive Practice Pack
⭐️ St. Patrick’s Day Counting Coins to $1.00
⭐️ 10 More 10 Less – Halloween Edition
⭐️ Counting Coins to $1.00 – St. Patrick’s Day Edition
How do I access the files?
You will receive 10 separate PDF files to download. Within each PDF, there are clickable links to every Google Slides activity included.
**Log out of all other Google accounts before trying to access the slides. Log in to the Google account you plan to use the slides with.
PLEASE NOTE: Sometimes school/district computers and networks block outside documents due to their security settings. If this occurs, please try downloading the product files from another device (i.e. not a district device). The Google Slides files can be saved directly to your Google Drive, and from there, you should be able to access them from any device (including your district device).
Each time an update is made, or a BONUS is added, you will be notified by email. You can then re-download the added/updated file(s).
✉ If you have any questions, notice an error, or have suggestions for improvement, please email me at and I’ll get back to you promptly.
2nd Grade Math GROWING BUNDLE Full Curriculum Google Slides Distance Learning
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